Stress, Exercise & Weight Loss After 40

I write this to hopefully inspire and motivate you to find time to love yourself.
Where do we begin? It’s not enough to just say exercise, some people adapt to it like
Fish in water others need a great deal of inspiration and still others wait until the final notice. Do it or else. If you think about what plagues us in losing weight and living healthy at forty in simple terms, its stress. How we react and deal with stress has a direct impact on our health. Hold it in and it will probably lead to high blood pressure out of whack cholesterol and possible heart disease. Release it in the wrong way. For example: tell your boss how you really feel and you might find yourself unemployed.

Exercise lets you release your frustrations and clear your head. If you dive into it hard enough soon you won’t remember how rotten your day was and you will emerge winded but stronger and ready to complete the next round.

A second less obvious form of stress is time. Time is our enemy because none of us have enough of it and if you’re forty and over you probably have children or older parents that also require your attention or guidance. Time is your enemy because in an effort to have some time for yourself, we often take short cuts. Buying fast food instead of packing small healthy lunches, not motivated to exercise, drinking to often to relax and eating to late and going to sleep on a late meal, only to arise to the same pattern the next day. Fitness at forty or for any age is not unlike any other goal in life you are trying to achieve. It takes planning, you have to think in advance and schedule your activities. Plan your meals and set realistic goals which allow you to find potential time that you currently don’t think you have. Now that you have made an appointment with yourself, it times to set your objectives. There are no miracles here. The Internet, TV, and magazines are filled with fad diets and quick overnight solutions to weight loss. Some work in the short term, but without changing eating habits and increasing your physical activity these often turn disastrous. People often gain back the weight and more. Water, veggies and fruit can beat any fad diet. All you need purchase is a commitment to yourself, a good pair of tennis shoes and if you are forty and over I might suggest some vitamins to replace what you are missing naturally. Staying fit can literally allow you to run away from your problems.If you found this article helpful, please share it. Thank You!

Do Diets Really Work?

Diets do work but they don’t last. I read and hear about so many people trying diets, and they do reach their weight loss goals, but within a year they have gained the weight back and then some. I have seen with my own eyes people losing mass amounts of weight, but gain it all back, it is so unbelievable to me! I personally do not believe in diets for this exact reason. It does not matter what diet you are on, they simply do not work for longtime weight loss and maintaining healthy weight. You do have to eat, and if you are 40 and over, you must eat! Food gives us our strength and nutrients to fight off diseases and helps fight your common illness, such as a cold. Diets slow your metabolism, which mean it is even harder to lose weight even if you are exercising. Your body knows when it is not being fed properly; the body has no idea when it will be fed again, so it stores whatever you eat as fat! The body needs essential nutrients to function properly. At forty and over you cannot afford to lose any essential nutrients. If you notice many people who diet do not exercise, probably because they do not have enough energy to do so. There is no miracle pill or diet to lose and maintain a healthy weight, this takes time. I always tell people did you gain 30 pounds in a week? If the answer is no which is usually the case, how can you expect to lose it all in a week? You have to be realistic when it comes to losing weight. The normal healthy weight loss is between 1 to 2 pounds per week. Don’t get me wrong the diets has it good points. It shows you another way of eating which can help you lose and maintain if incorporated in your eating plan the correct way. The key is choices, portion sizes and moderation. I love to eat all types of food, so there is no way I’m going to cut all my favorites out. I’m over 40 and have been able to lose and maintain weight with just a little moderation on the food and plenty of exercise. I love to eat; I don’t want to spend the rest of my life eating lettuce. I refuse, life is short, and I want to enjoy the time that I am here. I may be able to only have 2 slices of pizza a month, but I will have and enjoy. I created the website to focus on choices, portion sizes, moderation and exercise. Let’s forget the diet and focus on some healthy choices, exercising and enjoy being fit at 40 and over!

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Are you sticking to your Plan?


Are you sticking to your Plan?


Welcome, if you’re here you obviously know its time to do something. Lets be honest we are a little out of shape a little complacent or stubborn and way pressed for time. Some of us question how we got here and some of us have been this way our whole lives. The bottom line is we know its time to change.


   Make no mistake this won’t be easy, but your not alone. At my website you will find content geared towards you. We want to be a resource that will aid you in reaching your goal and maintaining your achievement. We stress doing things as naturally as possible. The products you see on the site we have used and found them effective. There here to be used as aids to help you reach your goal of weight loss. If you choose one we hope it will be a great benefit to you. Again we stress doing things as naturally as possible. Please consult your doctor before taking on any exercise routine.

Getting started


We have to change the way we look at food to be fit at forty and beyond. This means curbing what we enjoy not necessarily cutting out but definitely cutting back. Set realistic goals. A little weight off at a time is more likely to achieve long term results. Changing what you eat is the first step to your success. Plenty of water, veggies and fish are good choices to start with and it is probably time to look at vitamins. Making a grocery list before shopping and sticking to it! You’ve got to come out of your comfort zone here. We all have our favorite things to eat so my suggestion is that you actually increase what you buy so that you will try some new recipes with things that will be healthier for you. No one wants to waste money on things they don’t like to eat. Now that you have a little plan for your next grocery trip, once you’ve made your purchases start reading labels. How many servings, calories, salt content, preservatives?

Getting physical


Ok so were watching what we eat now its time to burn some calories. Hey doing anything to make you sweat is burning calories. If you are severely over weight just start with walking and noting that, its something we should all do as much as possible . At 40 and beyond we must also consider that injuries can happen quicker for us so look into low impact exercises if you are new to physical activity.  I like to swim and actually do a routine with a club in a pool. Now mind you a lot of the participants are seniors but I have to say it’s still a work out. There are also low impact exercise videos to choose from as well as high impact. Only you and your doctor know what your body can handle. Biking is another great one! And it’s true you never forget. This is something you can do with your kids around the neighborhood or plan an all day event. You will be surprised at how far you can go.  Remember to bring your water! Good luck on getting started, and remember to change you routine often. (Work different areas of your body.) Also check out other great ideas on this site.

Approaching 40 and beyond

As you approach your forties you must take better care of yourself to enjoy the second part of your life.  Yes, this means going to the doctor at least on a yearly basis.  There are three major conditions that you must get checked for.


  1. High Blood Pressure– this can be tricky, because many people have high blood pressure and do not realize it, sometimes you no symptoms. Overweight, drinking, smoking and family histories are all contributors for high blood pressure. Your normal BP should range less than 120/80.


  1. High Cholesterol– this leads to heart disease- it is a fat substance found in your liver. Unfortunately, cholesterol is in food we eat.  High cholesterol levels are found in meat, eggs, dairy, and food from animals.  As we get 40 and over are cholesterol levels increases.  There are three types: LDL= bad cholesterol which can cause build-up of plaque on the walls of the arteries.  HDL= good cholesterol helps get rid of bad cholesterol the larger this number is the better.  Triglycerides=another type of fat which is stored in fat cells in your body it goes hand in hand with LDL.  All of these make up your total Cholesterol which should be under 200.


  1. Diabetes– is a disease that prevents your body from properly using the energy from the food you eat.  There are two type of diabetes 1 and 2.  Type 1= is when insulin-producing cells of the pancreas are damaged.  Type 2= occurs when there is not enough insulin to overcome the resistance from the body’s cells.  This the more common one that people get after age 40.        


All of these diseases have one thing in common, being overweight and not eating right.  There is medication that can treat all of these, but there are steps we can take to avoid taking medications or keeping them at bay.  Exercising and healthy eating is the key.   We will talk in depth about each one of these diseases in future articles; I just wanted to touch on the basics. Forty and over does not mean you life if over, you just need to do things differently and pay more attention to your health and body and you can enjoy a wonderful second half!