Muscle Toning Program for the Over 40 Fitness Crowd Part IV: Tone Your Arms and Shoulders

Are you over 40 and trying to stay fit? Looking for exercises that will tone up your arms and upper body? Try these exercises to build muscles in your arms and shoulders. Some of them will also strengthen your core and back as well.

Uneven Push Ups
Get into the classic push up position, only place a yoga block under your right hand. Now complete slow, deliberate push ups until you hit muscle failure. Rest, switch the block to under your left hand, and repeat until you hit muscle failure again.

Rest, stretch and repeat.

Bicep and Shoulder Toner
Find weights that challenge your biceps without causing you to lose good form. Stand shoulder width apart and pick up a hand weight in each hand. Bend your arm at the elbow in a classic bicep curl, bringing the weight towards you. Now rotate the weight by turning your wrist so the palm of your hand faces away from you, and lift the weight above your head, extending your arm and raising the weight to the sky. Lower the weight to the bicep curl position, rotate the weight by turning your wrist so you are back in the classic bicep curl up position, and return the weight to your starting position.

Alternate sides, challenging one arm and shoulder at a time. Perform curl and extension moves in a smooth motion, slowly and carefully. Repeat until you hit muscle failure in either your biceps or shoulder muscles. Rest, stretch and repeat.

Lawn Mower Starter
Pull up a chair and a hand weight. Bend at the waist and place your left hand on the seat of the chair. Pick up the hand weight with your right hand and pull it back as if you are starting a lawn mower. Return to your starting position and repeat until you feel the burn in your triceps and shoulders. Switch sides and repeat for two sets.

Butterfly Wings
Take a hand weight into each hand. Stand with feet shoulder width apart, with your arms bent at right angles. Lift your arms, keeping your elbows bent at right angles such that your upper arms lift like wings on either sides of your body. When your upper arms are level with your shoulders (with your elbows still bent), rotate your shoulders such that your hands are now above your head. Extend your arms, lifting your hands to the sky, and then bring them back down again. Reverse your actions until you are back in your starting position.

Repeat until you feel a burn in your upper arms and shoulders. Rest, stretch and repeat.

Side Plank With Lift
Lie on your right side in a supported plank position. (You can let your lower legs rest on the floor – just lift your upper body and prop yourself up with a bent lower right arm.) Hold a light hand weight in your left hand and lift it towards the ceiling, extending your arm in a sweeping motion across your body and up pointing towards the ceiling. Then bring the weight back down to the floor, reversing the movement. Keep your core rigid and unmoving, focusing your energy on a graceful, sweeping motion from the floor the ceiling and back again.

Repeat until you hit muscle failure in your shoulder, core or supporting arm. Switch sides and repeat.

Arm LiftsStart standing with your feet shoulder width apart and with light weights in both hands at your sides. Lift your arms up and out at your sides, extending your arms at your sides. Lift until your extended arm is level with your shoulders. Hold for a count of three and then slowly bring your arms back down. Repeat until you hit muscle failure. Rest, stretch and repeat.

A Note of Caution to the Over 40 Fitness CrowdAs you work your arms and shoulders, beware of:
• Joints popping or making noises they shouldn’t be making. If you feel that an exercise is stressing a joint or making bones rub in ways they shouldn’t rub, stop and modify the exercise.
• Pushing it too hard. You want to reach muscle failure and then rest your muscles before trying again. Two sets should be plenty for this mission. Don’t push to the point where you lose form, slouch, arch your back or otherwise compromise your overall body position.
• Weights that are too heavy. You should feel like it’s easy as you start the set and only gets harder after several repetitions.

Those of us in the over 40 fitness crowd need to keep exercises light enough to maintain good form. Preventing injury is as important and making progress. Keep that in mind as you tone your arms and shoulders!

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