Muscle Toning Program for the Over 40 Fitness Crowd Part III: Tone Your Lower Body

imagesCA47WNG4Are you over 40 and doing everything you can to stay in shape? The following exercises are the best toning exercises for your butt, hips and legs.

Butt Lifts That Really Work
Lie on the floor and prop your right foot on the seat of a chair. Reach your hands so you can hold onto the legs of the chair (to stabilize yourself and the chair) as you squeeze and lift your buttocks, raising your extended lift leg to the ceiling. Alternately relax your buttocks and squeeze and lift your buttocks, lifting and lowering your left leg until you hit muscle failure in your buttocks. Switch legs and repeat until you hit muscle failure for that side.

Rest, stretch and repeat for three sets of repetitions, being sure to hit muscle failure each time.

Outer Thigh and Hip Lifts That Get Results
Get on your hands and knees. Bend and lift your right leg, as if you are a dog using a fire hydrant. Lift until your leg is level with your hip and then return to your starting position. Repeat until you feel a fierce burning in your outer thigh/hip area. Then switch legs and perform the same exercise on the left side.

Rest, stretch and repeat for three sets of repetitions, being sure to work until you feel the burn each time.

Inner Thigh Toning ExerciseLie on your back. Spread your arms out on either side of your body to stabilize yourself. Now bend your legs at the knees and lift them both up until your feet are above your buttocks and your knees are bent. Touch your feet to one another and widen your knees, like a butterfly’s wings opening. Close the gap again, bring your knees back towards each other. You will feel your inner thighs working as you open and close the butterfly’s wings. Perform this exercise until you feel your inner thigh muscles hitting muscle failure.

Rest, stretch and repeat for three sets of repetitions, being sure to work until you feel the burn each time.

Quadriceps and Buttocks Toning Kicks
Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Lift your right leg, bending it at the knee, until your upper leg is perpendicular with your body. Extend your lower leg in a front kick, returning to a bent position. Then lean forward and extend that same leg behind you, keeping the knee bent at a 90 degree-angle until your leg is behind you. Extend your leg into a kick and then return to a standing position. Repeat 15 times. Switch legs, perform this exercise to work your left leg for 15 reps.

Rest, stretch and repeat for three sets of 15 repetitions per set.

Wide and Narrow Squats
Stand in a comfortable position, with your feet a natural length apart. Lower yourself into a sitting position, as if there were a chair behind you. Squeeze your buttocks as you return to a standing position. Now move your legs an additional foot apart and repeat the squatting motion. Then bring your feet back to a normal standing position, angle your toes so they point outward, and lower yourself into a squat with your knees angled out towards the sides, forming a triangle.

Repeat these three squat and stand positions for thirty repetitions. Rest, stretch and repeat a second set.

Precautions Everyone in the 40 and Over Fitness Crowd Should Take
As we get older, our bodies become more injury prone. As you practice these exercises, make sure you:
• Protect your back by maintaining good postures as you perform the exercises. If any exercise makes you arch or bend your back in way that feels uncomfortable, stop the exercise or modify it to protect your back.
• Listen to your knees! If they start to pop or crackle, be careful to move gently and smoothly. For example, don’t lock or snap your knees when kicking.
• Don’t overdo it. Sometimes we think that by pushing ourselves to the limit we’re going to achieve greatness when really we’ll end up injured and unable to exercise at all. Try these exercises a few times before you push it too hard. See how sore you are and if any of the exercises irritate a joint or muscle group. Modify or adjust to suit your body’s needs.

If you’re careful and take the slow-but-steady approach, you’ll get fit without injuring yourself. Once you’re over 40, you’ve got to take a more cautious approach to fitness. Your body will thank you for it!

Muscle Toning Program for the Over 40 Fitness Crowd (Part II)

PlankSo…. You want to get toned? Before you start in on the practical advice offered here, you’ll want to read Part I of this series to understand what will get your toned and what will waste your time. In a nutshell, you need to do the following to get toned:
• Lose enough excess fat that your muscle tone can show
• Gain muscle in the areas you want to be more toned
• Feed your muscles by eating plenty of protein

If you are already very thin, you will want to focus your workouts on the specific areas you want to tone. If you are not thin or have excess fat in the areas you wish to tone, you will want to work out all of your major muscle groups.

Why Work Out All of My Major Muscle Groups? Muscle burns more calories than fat. If you need to lose excess fat, you need to burn more calories in order to lose it. Working out one specific area does not cause fat loss in that area. It causes fat loss all over your body. As you lose fat all over, you will also lose fat in the areas you want to tone.

Muscle Toning Stage One – For Those Who Need to Lose Fat As you get started on your toning program, you’ll want to work the largest muscles first. This way you’ll jumpstart your metabolism and get the biggest bang for your buck.

You can do this by performing the following large muscle group toning exercises:

Lunge-Swing Exercise Combo
This exercise works your gluteus maximums, your quadriceps, your calves and your hamstrings all at once. It also requires you to tighten your core muscles, providing mild toning to your lower back and abdominal muscles. It is an all-over toning beast of an exercise.

Start in a standing position, with your feet shoulder-width apart. Lung forward, bringing your right leg forward and then sinking down into the lunge until your right leg forms a 90-degree right angle at your knee. Hold this lung for a count of three.

Shifting your weight to that bent right leg, swing your left leg forward, pointing your toe as you extend the leg forward (straight ahead). As you swing that straight leg forward (forming a right degree angle with your straight leg and your trunk), you will straighten your right leg, effectively standing up. Hold your left leg straight for a count of three, and then deliberately and slowly lower your left leg so you have returned to a standing position with both feet on the ground.

Now perform this same exercise starting with your leg left, lunging forward, holding the lunge, and then extending the right leg as you stand up.
Repeat this exercise twenty times for beginners, more for those who are already quite fit.

Plank-Push Up-Plank Exercise
To tone your upper and lower back, biceps, triceps, shoulders and abdominal muscles all at once, complete this exercise.

Start on the floor in a push up position, with your hands under your shoulders. You can rise up onto your toes (if you are strong enough) or rest on your knees. Lift up into a push up, hold it for one second, and then return to the floor. Rest for two seconds before lifting into a plank position and holding it for a count of five. Return to the floor again and rest for five seconds.

Repeat until you cannot hold your back and abdomen tight, keeping a straight plank position through the push ups and planks. If you find your arms weaken before your core muscles do, spend more time in the plan positions and less time in the push ups. Over time, your entire upper body and core will grow in strength.

Muscle Toning Program Part III – Toning Exercises for Smaller Muscle Groups Once you’ve got these large muscle group toning exercises down, you’ll want to add in smaller muscle group toning exercises. You can read about these in part three of our muscle toning series. (Stay tuned for parts 3 and 4)

If these multi-purpose large muscle toning exercises are too challenging, you will want to read part of our muscle toning program series. This is an article devoted to building muscle slowly and surely through exercises that isolate the large muscles through safer exercises. As part of the over 40 fitness crowd, you’ll want to make sure you prioritize safety over quick results. Make sure you visit recommended resources page to help achieve your goals!

Muscle Toning Program for the Over 40 Fitness Crowd (Part I)

If you want to get toned up, you probably have a few parts of your body you wish looked better. Maybe it’s your midsection, which has gotten a bit flabby, or the back of your arms. You may have tried spot toning, which is performing exercises aimed at a specific part of your body.

Unfortunately, spot toning doesn’t work. That’s why it’s important to learn how to tone up your body and then to learn what you need to do in order to get toned.

Why Am I Less Toned Than I Used to Be? As we age, we lose muscle. Most of us also gain fat. This is because your metabolism has changed. Your muscles fibers have also changed, requiring more challenges in order to remain as toned as they used to be. This is bad news for the over 40 fitness crowd, but it isn’t disastrous. It just means you will have to work harder for a toned body than you had to work when you were in your 20s and 30s.

What Exactly Does Getting Toned Up Mean? Actually, sculpting or toning is all just a nice way to say building muscle and losing fat. Getting toned means you will need to challenge your muscles and lose fat so people can see the muscles that are hiding under your existing fat.

How Do I Get Toned? You will get toned if you do the following:
• Perform exercises that tear down muscle fibers (weight lifting, resistance training, toning or sculpting exercises that push your muscles to muscle failure) and feed your body (lots of protein) so your body can rebuild muscles.
• Lose fat so your muscles will show.

It’s really pretty simple. However, you’ll want to let go of the idea that you can tone just your arms or just your chest and realize you need to tone all of your body (and lose excess fat). You have to do this even if you just want to improve your arms or chest or whatever area is bugging you.

Toning Myths You Will Want to Ignore Lots of people will tell you that you will get toned if you:
• Do higher reps with lighter weights
• Do fewer reps with heavier weights
• Work specific muscle groups

Here’s the truth behind each of these myths:
• Higher reps with lighter weights will help you avoid injury. This means this is a good practice for those of us in the 40 and over fitness group, not because it will get you toned quickly, but because it will allow you to work out safely and build muscles.
• Fewer reps with heavier weights are a no-no for those of us who are over 40. Why? Because the risk of improper form and injury is too high. Skip this. It won’t help you get any more toned anyway. It just saves time for people who are young enough and lucky enough to be injury-resistant.
• Working specific muscles groups only produces more defined muscles in that area if you’ve already lost enough excess fat for changes in muscle mass to show in those areas. If you are already very slender, and just have very small muscles, working specific muscles will indeed show up as greater definition and tone. However, if you’re carrying excess fat in areas, you will have to lose the fat before working those specific areas will bring any noticeable success.

Toning Facts You’ll Want to Live Out in Practice
This means you will want to follow a workout routine that builds muscle and helps you lose fat. You can find plenty of articles and recommended resources on this site that will help you lose fat, so please click around and find inspiration and specific direction. Then proceed to Part Two of our muscle toning series to find out what exercises you’ll want to tackle first for maximum toning benefit.

America’s Toughest Trainer

I’m sure most of you heard of Jillian Michaels from the Biggest Loser TV show. Jillian is known to be the toughest trainer in America because of her success at driving dramatic weight loss. Jillian has a 90 day program called Body Revolution which I endorse. The program consist of 3 phases which includes 15 DVD’s all 30 minutes or less , 90 day meal plan, resistance band and many more online tools to use. She guarantees success and continuous burn after each and every workout! Jillian also focus on Metabolism which is very important to the success of weight loss after 40.

If you are new to exercise there is always a modified version of every move she does. I personally have used her videos and find them tolerable. Any new exercise program will take a little time getting used to, this is why I love the modified version which also works! Jillian takes you nice and slow through the phases, and you move to next phase when you are ready.

If you are up for the challenge and want a Total Body Transformation this is a great resource to have!

Why Everyone Over 40 Should Try a Yoga Class

MH900446440Have you pooh-poohed yoga because you think you aren’t flexible enough to hack it? Written it off because you think it won’t burn enough calories or isn’t a real workout? Believe it or not, yoga is one of the best types of exercise for anyone who is over 40 and concerned about staying fit. It’s an amazingly flexible form of exercise that can be tailored to meet your fitness needs, no matter how fit or unfit you may be. Read on to learn why so many people in the 40 and over demographic are adding yoga into their weekly workout plans.

As We Age, We Need Gentler Forms of Exercise
You might have been able to pound the pavement in your younger days, but most of us start having problems with our joints as we enter our 40s and 50s. Now that your body is at greater risk for injury from exercise that entails high impact pounding or repetitive movements (running, high impact aerobics), most of us need to add gentle exercise into our routines. Yoga is gentle yet challenging, so it fits the bill perfectly.

Yoga Will Help You Manage Stress
Simply participating in a yoga class will help you learn how to use your mind and body together in a way that enables you to manage your stress. You will learn how to lower your blood pressure, breathe in ways that lowers your stress level, and work with your mind-body connection to release stress. When you leave class, you will feel refreshed and de-stressed.

Most people who have high blood pressure or heart problems need to learn how to manage stress effectively. Use this opportunity to build a life skill that will help you mentally and physically.

Yoga Improves Muscle Tone
Think of your body as a natural weight room – and now use your body to challenge itself. The many poses and sequences through which you will move are designed to build muscle strength and tone. You will discover that a good yoga class will challenge every muscle group.

Your Heart and Lungs Need the Challenges Yoga Provides
Yoga may not be considered aerobic exercise, but it does challenge the heart and lungs. Take the time to learn pranayama (breathing exercises), and you’ll learn how to improve your lung strength while reducing stress.

Yoga Improves BalanceMany of the exercises taught in yoga classes will improve your core strength, which, in turn will improve your balance. You can ask your yoga instructor to teach you specific exercises that will improve agility and strengthen your ankles and knees as well, all of which will help prevent injury and reduce your chances of slipping and falling.

Not Sure Where to Start?The following is a bare bones guide to the different types of yoga:
• Ashtanga Yoga – Physically demanding, classic yoga. Repetitive in nature – each class will take you through the same set of poses.
• Power Yoga – More athletically demanding and less spiritually focused, this type of yoga may make use of other fitness exercises in addition to traditional yoga poses. This is what you’ll find taught in most fitness centers (as opposed to a yoga studio).
• Hatha Yoga – Spine-based yoga poses that balance the mind and body. Intense focus on meditation and breathing exercises, practiced in conjunction with physical movements.
• Bikram Yoga – Twenty-six yoga poses performed in a heated room (possibly up to 100 degrees Fahrenheit). Also known as Hot Yoga. Do not try Bikram yoga if you have a heart condition.
• Dahn Yoga – A combination of yoga and martial arts invented by Ilchi Lee. Awakens the chi, guiding energy flow through chakras.
• Anasara Yoga – A graceful form of yoga focused on spiritual growth.

Or you can try a Yoga DVD or program, shapeshifter is a excellent program.


Click Here!

Give yoga a try – and then tell us what you think in the comments!

Essential Dietary Changes Everyone Over 40 Must Make

As we age, our bodies change. Metabolism slows and hormone production fluctuates and wanes. The end result? Mid-section spread and overall weight gain. Diabetes. Heart problems. Declining ability to exercise due to strain on joints.

To keep healthy, you will want to make dietary changes that counter these natural bodily changes. If you eat properly, you will notice a significant improvement in multiple areas of your life.

Dietary Changes to Support Hormone Balance
Both men and women find their levels of progesterone dropping as they age. Women’s levels of progesterone (essential for fertility) start falling in the mid-30’s, and men’s levels of progesterone (used to produce testosterone and cortisone) begin to fall as they hit age 40.

Why does this matter? As progesterone levels fall, estrogen (yes, men produce estrogen, too!) becomes more dominant. The change in hormonal balance leads to fat storage – especially in the mid-section.

To fight this imbalance, you will want to eat the following foods:
• Cruciferous vegetables, which have been proven to reduce excess estrogen
• Citrus fruits, which will bind with excess estrogen and remove it from the body
• Insoluble fiber, which will bind with and remove extra estrogen from your body

By increasing your intake of these three foods, you will improve your hormone balance, significantly decreasing your tendency towards weight gain.

Dietary Changes to Prevent Diabetes and Maintain a Healthy Weight
However, hormone balance is not enough to produce healthy results. Sure, hormonal balance is important, but you will also need to protect your body against the development of diabetes or inappropriate insulin production.

As we pass the age of 40, our bodies may begin to struggle to process blood sugar adequately. Your body has always had to work hard to deal with blood sugar spikes and lows, but people who are 40 and over need to pay closer attention to their diets in order to reduce stress on your pancreas, which produces the insulin you need to process blood sugar. When your body experiences a spike in blood sugar, it responds by producing insulin. Some of the glucose in your blood is converted and used as immediate energy, but any excess glucose is stored as fat. If too much insulin is released, you will experience a blood sugar drop, prompting you to crave carbohydrates in order to increase your blood sugar. Most likely you’ll eat something high carb at this point, causing another blood sugar spike.

If your body experiences multiple blood sugar spikes and lows, you will end up storing more fat. You may also develop diabetes.

This is why it’s essential for people over 40 to follow a diet similar to the diet promoted in the South Beach Diet, which was created by a doctor who worked with heart patients and people with diabetes. You will be healthiest if you:
• Cut down on sugar and processed foods, almost completely eliminating them from your diet
• Eat plenty of lean protein
• Eat plenty of vegetables
• Eat sparse amounts of fruit and whole grains
• Eat a moderate amount of (low sugar) dairy

South Beach Diet

Solutions You Can Follow
I’ve found it most helpful to follow a guide such as the South Beach Diet to get myself on track. You’ll find that the book recommends three levels of adherence to the diet. If you need to jump start your weight loss or track to fitness, you can try the strictest diet (which honestly, is not that hard to follow – it’s very doable.) If you just want to ease your way into healthier eating, you can follow the least strict diet plan. In any case, you won’t go wrong if you read the nutritional explanations behind the dietary choices recommended in the book. This is just a guide to get you on track for eating healthy and learning how different foods effect your body. This is not to be used for a lifetime but only as a guide. I still believe you cannot diet forever just choose more wisely.

Leave a comment describing your dietary choices. When we work together, we all benefit!

The Favorite Exercise Guru

Denise Austin is America’s favorite fitness guru. Denise has been helping people lose weight for over 30 years. Denise who is now close to 50 years of age understands about losing weight after 40. If you are 40 and over, short on time Denise has you covered. Denise gives you effective exercises in 20 to 30 minute increments which are great for those of us who are short on time. Denise is very easy going not hard on you as some personal trainers. If you are looking for that special attention, her program is the way to go. I personally was able to lose with Denise and keep it off! I say give it try and watch the fat melt off. Try one of her million exercise videos. Denise has several videos working total body, toning, trouble zones,yoga, pilates- you name it!

Get fit in privacy of your home!

15 Tips for Staying Fit Over Age 40

Are you over age 40 and struggling to remain fit? The following tips are easy to follow and truly work. Choose and handful from this list and put them into practice this week. Then, once you’ve mastered those steps, choose another handful of tips. You’ll notice the difference!

1. Eat Fresh!
Aim to eat something live at every meal. By “live” I mean something that was recently picked, like a piece of fruit or a vegetable.

2. Pretend Fast Food Restaurants Don’t Exist
Even the “healthy” items are laced with sugar or chemicals.

3. Pack a Snack Everywhere You Go
When you’re hungry, you’ll eat whatever is available, and too often that means you end up eating junk food. Protect yourself from bad food choices by packing fruit, veggies, and cheese sticks as snacks.

4. Learn to Love Water
No chemicals, no sodium (to retain water), no sugar, no calories… what’s not to love? It fills you up, cleanses your body of toxins and keeps everything working right. Drink up!

5. Get Some Shut Eye
Studies show you will be more likely to overeat if you are tired. Find out how much sleep you need each night and make it a priority to get enough sleep.

6. Sign Up for a Class or Hobby
Replace your television watching habit with a hobby – any hobby. You’ll snack less and get busy doing something that feeds your soul, which will fight off emotional eating linked to boredom or depression.

7. Eat a Salad Everyday
Fill up on raw, crunchy veggies. You’ll eat better all day long because of it.

8. Limit Alcohol Consumption to One Glass a Day
Drink red wine if you can (fewer calories) and keep to one glass. Switch to tea or seltzer water after your one glass is gone.

9. Find a Healthy Outlet for Stress
Instead of emotional overeating, try going for a run, taking a bath, making love, drawing a picture, reading a book… anything but getting a Big Mac and fries.

10. Buy One Serving of a Treat at a Time
Forget about saving money by buying in bulk. Buy one serving of whatever treat you are craving and enjoy it. Don’t keep more of it in the house or you’ll binge or turn having a treat into a daily routine.

11. Make Small Changes
Use milk instead of cream in your coffee; cut that pat of butter in half. Put fresh berries on your scoop of ice cream instead of hot fudge. Small changes add up without feeling burdensome.

12. Find a Form of Exercise You LOVE
You need to enjoy it to stick with it. Figure out what form of exercise you like the most and schedule it into your daily routine.

13. Don’t Do Fad Diets
They don’t work, they lead to yo-yo weight loss and gain, and they are frustrating. Just say no to anything extreme.

14. Commit to Moving Your Body Every Day
Even if you just run up and down the stairs in your house 20 times or do sit ups and push ups before bed, you’ll want to make sure you do some sort of exercise every single day.

15. Commit to Healthy Living, Not Short Term Dieting Goals
Instead of killing yourself to lose ten pounds in five weeks, commit to healthier living and lose the ten pounds over 20 weeks. You’ll be more likely to keep the weight off if you are focused on living healthfully instead of trying to do something drastic. is updated regularly with fresh and new ideas to get and keep you fit!MB900439272

Summer Menu Ideas For Staying Fit Over 40

It’s hot out. You don’t want to spend time slaving over the stove or baking anything in the oven. You just want something delicious and low calorie that you can eat NOW. The following menu ideas are perfect for those of us who are trying to stay fit over 40 and need to both reduce caloric intake while satisfying appetites.

Use the Grill
Don’t feel like cooking over the stove? You can grill just about everything you find at your local farmer’s market, plus a good lean cut of meat, for a perfect summer lunch or dinner.

Grilled Meat
Invest in a pantry full of spice packets and pre-made marinades. Look for options that don’t require cream at all – stick to the stuff that says just add citrus juice or olive oil. Marinade shrimp, chicken, pork, salmon or beef for thirty minutes in the fridge. Grill for a delicious, healthy, low-cal protein option.

My personal favorite is tarragon-garlic pork tenderloin. Buy a tenderloin (which is very lean pork), trim the fat, and cut slices into both pieces of the tenderloin. Combine 1 tablespoon fresh minced garlic with two tablespoons freshly chopped tarragon and half a teaspoon of freshly ground pepper. Mix with a tablespoon of olive oil to make a paste. Generously fill the cuts you’ve made in the tenderloin with the paste and then tie the tenderloin back together with twine. Grill until cooked through. Enjoy!

Grilled Veggies
Assemble a medley of any of the following vegetables:
• Summer squash
• Zucchini
• Asparagus
• Brussel sprouts
• Red, yellow, orange or green bell pepper
• Onions
• Mushrooms
• Broccoli
• Cauliflower

Toss in a mixture of olive oil, salt, freshly ground pepper and one of more of the following fresh herbs:
• Rosemary
• Basil
• Cilantro
• Tarragon
• Sage
• Ginger
• Garlic

Wrap veggies medley in tin foil and grill. Squeeze lemon or lime juice on top for a tangy surprise if you don’t like the savory flavors so much.

Grilled Fruit
Try grilling thick slices of fresh pineapple, quartered peaches or halved plums. You don’t need to prep fruit at all; just cut into large slabs and cook them on the grill, only grilling for 2-3 minutes per side. Grilling brings out the sweetness and adds a delectable smoky flavor.

Try Cold Dishes
All winter long we roast vegetables and bake fish, right? We make hot stews and crave carbs like bread. In the summer, it’s time to cool things down, which can lead to some very healthy eating. Try the following menu ideas.

Serve Fresh Fruit
A bowl of mixed berries, especially when topped with a dollop of homemade whipped cream, can feel sinfully indulgent on a hot day. Try dipping just the tips of strawberries in melted dark chocolate or freezing grapes for fun desserts. Chop up a variety of fruits for fruit salad (throw in some mint for a fun change.) Play around with presentation and exotic fruits for variety.

Develop a Taste for Vinegar and Vinaigrettes
If you go to Italy, you’ll be served a variety of fresh vegetables drenched in vinegar-based marinades. You can learn to make these yourself by trying the following:
• Experiment with types of vinegars (white, red wine, apple cider, saki, balsamic, fruit-infused balsamics) and olive oil. You’ll discover amazing taste varieties that can spruce up a meal.
• Use your favorite oil and vinegar concoctions on fresh, sliced, cucumbers, tomatoes, greens, broccoli, cauliflower, mushrooms, carrots and celery.
• Try marinating veggies for a few hours and note the difference in taste.
• Go simple by rubbing a clove of garlic around the inside of a bowl, filling the bowl with greens, tomatoes and cucumbers, and then tossing with oil and white vinegar. The subtle garlic flavor is refreshing.

Enjoy Lettuce Wraps
Craving a sandwich or noodle dish but don’t want to indulge in too many carbs? Get used to making yourself lettuce wraps, filled with delicious cold cuts or hot stir fry mixtures.

Invest in growing heads of lettuce or always keeping fresh lettuce in the fridge. Then start experimenting with combinations of cold cuts, cheeses, and sliced vegetables like tomatoes or roasted red peppers.

I personally get the hankering for dishes like pad Thai in the summer. I handle this by sautéing summer squash from my garden and lean chicken (cut into tiny pieces or ground chicken) with a generous amount of minced ginger, garlic, and chopped cashews. I throw in a large dollop of almond butter or cashew butter and fat free half and half to create a creamy base. Then I eat it inside lettuce leafs. The nuts add a sense of indulgence but the rest of the dish is absolutely wonderful for your body. It’s a great way to splurge without feeling guilty.

Summer FoodsUse the Grill!
Have fun experimenting with the foods you find at farmer’s markets. You’ll discover there’s a wide range of options available, all of which are good those of us who are committed to staying fit over 40!

Stress Management Tips and Tricks

Those of us in the over 40 and fitness group know that stress only increases as we age and take on more responsibility. Fortunately, we can learn how to manage our stress, reducing the impact stress has on our overall health. As we mature, our stress management skills can improve, resulting in a happier, healthier life.

The following are stress management techniques taught in DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) classes. DBT classes teach people how to use distraction, distress tolerance and mindfulness skills to deal with stress effectively.

Distraction Techniques
Feeling upset about something? Trying to move on, but can’t stop thinking about the issue that is upsetting you?

Distraction techniques help you take a break from the stressful topic, allowing you to cool down before you deal with that actual problem. In many cases, you will realize (after you engage in something distracting) that the issue at hand wasn’t even worth the stress!

Distract yourself from the source of stress by doing one of the following:
• Fantasize about a pleasurable experience
• Chew gum and focus on the taste and sensation
• Call a friend and talk about something completely off topic

Make a list of ways you could distract yourself from upsetting thoughts. Choose a couple techniques and commit to distracting yourself when stressed.

Radical Acceptance – An Effective Distress Tolerance Technique
We all experience distress from time to time. Maybe you are stuck in bad traffic, or have realized you are going to be late for a meeting and can’t make time for lunch. Perhaps you’ve just gotten a call from your teenager’s teacher, saying she is in danger of flunking a class.

Your stress level rises if you begin to believe the distressing situation or news is intolerable. The goal of radical acceptance is to make peace with distressing news or situations, lowering your experience of stress over the situation.

You can build up your distress tolerance by practicing radical acceptance of the unpleasant news or situation. For example, if you are stuck in traffic, you can take deep breaths and repeat the following mantra: “The world won’t end if I’m late,” “I did the best I could,” or “I can handle this.” Radical acceptance is acceptance of the situation, as it is. It’s a type of resignation, or making peace with the situation.

Another example is if you find yourself in a long meeting, bored and starving because you missed lunch. You can practice radical acceptance by embracing the feeling of hunger and realizing that while it is unpleasant, it isn’t intolerable. In fact, maybe it’s okay to feel hungry once in a while. These sorts of thoughts will lower your stress level and help you grow in patience.

Using Mindfulness to Manage Stress
Your body is equipped with powerful abilities to raise and lower your stress level. If you train yourself to pay attention to the messages your body is sending, you can learn how to actually reduce your stress level, on the spot, even in highly stressful situations. Many Emergency Response Technicians learn these techniques so they can remain calm while dealing with incredibly stressful situations.

Mindfulness requires you to be keenly aware of what is happening right now, in the present moment. For example, take the next three minutes to focus on your breathing. Set a timer, close your eyes, and breath deeply, focusing on how it feels to inhale, hold your breath, and then exhale. Pay attention to the pleasure of breathing; notice how deep breaths make you feel calmer, more serene, more relaxed.

Try other mindfulness exercises such as closing your eyes for three minutes and listening to the many sounds that you normally ignore. Look around you and make note of how the light plays on surfaces in the room, or how many different people’s voices you can hear. Listen to a song on the radio and tune into how the melody rises and falls, what the beat count is, how the background singers meld with the lead singer. The key is to focus keenly on one aspect of your present experience, allowing yourself to sink into the experience. The end result will be a calm, relaxed feeling.

Stress Relief and Your Health
It’s important to learn how to manage stress. Many of us have developed unhealthy ways to deal with stress, such as emotional eating or drinking too much alcohol. As you focus on your over 40 fitness goals, you’ll want to add stress management into your wellness plan.