5 Consistent Weight Loss Rules


1. Healthy Eating rules! If you do nothing else you must master how to eat healthy most days of the week. Healthy eating will always be a consistent weight loss rule; this does not mean diet or hardly eat. This means food choices or as others say” clean eating.” Have you ever heard of someone losing weight without exercising? This is possible because what you eat and drink how much is what causes weight gain. Always try eating more fruits, vegetables and lean meats. You don’t have to eat lettuce or salads every day, there are all kinds of veggies and fruits to pick from. Try more grilling and baking than frying. Trying different seasoning besides the regular. Try fresh seasoning; they can give your food the most awesome flavor! Example: Garlic cloves instead of salt or power. Dill and rosemary are great for fish and chicken. Water is also part of your healthy eating. Water promotes good digestion. As we get older, our digestive system needs a little bit more to work properly. I would never grab water first, but now this is always my first choice. I may have a pop once a month. If I’m going to cheat I don’t want to waste it on pop or soda.

2. Portion sizes goes along with healthy eating. As we know by now if you eat or drink too much the pounds start packing in. This is also a consistent rule. What I like most about the portion size rule is you can indulge in something not so healthy, but watch your portion size. Instead of eating all of your French fries eat half of them. Half of piece of this or that will go a long way controlling excess calories which mean excess pounds. If you ‘re not already, start reading your food labels, so you know exactly how much is in a serving and what a serving size consist of. Try eating off of a saucer instead of full size plate; this will also help you in watching those portion sizes.

3. Cardio is also a consistent weight loss rule. Cardio has many benefits besides weight loss. Think of cardio as the added bonus. I know you have heard people say calories consumed vs. calories burned. If you burn more then you consume weight loss will come. The more cardio exercising you do, also leaves a little more room for eating. Cardio should be at least 30 minutes a day- pick something you enjoy doing so you will stick with it. Cardio is also an extra bonus because it keeps the doctors away! Cardio protects you from many diseases such as, heart disease, diabetes and high cholesterol.

4. Strength Training goes along with cardio as healthy eating goes with portion sizes. Strength training gives your body definition. The more muscle you have the more fat you burn when exercising and while you sleep. Actually combining cardio with strength training is the fastest way to lose weight. This rule will never change. It only requires at least 20 minutes twice a week. You can do 2 sessions of strength training only or combine with a cardio session. This is a must if you are 40 and over.

5. Stretch and Sleep is so important for you overall weight loss program. Stretching at least 5 minutes before and after a workout keeps you from injury. Stretching also gives you more flexibility and keeps your joints in motion. You might even want to try a yoga class. After all your hard work is done, you need a good night sleep to rev up your metabolism and let your body reap the benefits.

Finally, if you stay consistent with these 5 weight loss rules, you will see success sooner than you think and feel great at the same time!

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