Exercise Myths and Facts

I’m writing this to let you know there are several scams out there regarding weight loss, exercise and diets.  People easily fall into these traps and find they are very disappointed.  If you have been reading my blog you know by now that there is no quick fix to losing weight.  You can’t lose a ton of weight overnight or even in a month or two.  There is NO special pill, diet or anything that will accomplish successful weight loss.


Myth # 1


Spot Reduction of a specific area is a scam; you cannot work a specific area of your body.  .  If you do a lot of crunches this will not flatten your stomach, you have to lose overall weight.  There is no such thing as spot reduction!  When I first started exercising all the weight was lost in my buttocks first, not what I was looking for, but I continued on with my workouts, I eventually saw a weight loss in all areas of my body.


FACT:  You cannot control where the weight comes off, but if you continue to exercise you will see results all over!



Myth #2


Exercise everyday and you can eat anything you want.  This is far from the truth; you must realize how you got to be overweight, too much consumption of something!  It could have been fried and fatty foods, alcohol, binge eating, snacking all day- only you know.


FACT:  3500 calories = 1 pound, so in order to lose a pound a week, you need to cut at least 500 calories a day.




Diet your way to weight loss; well this is a controversial subject.  Yes, anybody can lose weight with diets, but you can’t diet forever.  What happens when you stop dieting?  Weight Gain is what happens!  There are some crazy diet scams out there, having you eat as little as 500 calories a day, not enough for anyone.  You must eat to get your energy, strength, and nutrients.


FACT:  Diets were first created to give you some type of platform of how to start eating correctly. Diets should only be an aid to get suggestions and a learning tool to healthy eating.  Diets should not last more than two weeks, which is enough time to get you started. You need to eat to fuel your body, especially if you are exercising.  You need plenty of protein, fruits, veggies, and fiber. You need to be able to control your portions sizes and what you eat and how often to lose weight.


Healthy eating and exercise go hand in hand.  You need to do both for weight loss and to maintain.  So don’t fall into these scams!  Remember, nothing worthwhile is easy!

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